PARADISE is out for a limited time at $0.99 in ebook so now is the time to get it. It's also available in print, though that's still populating through the distribution channels so give it a week. (I'll up date the links when the book appears at the various sites).
PARADISE (The Naravan Chronicles 4)
eBooks: Amazon | Kobo | iBooks | B&N Nook | Smashwords |
Print (links coming soon but check in at Amazon and B&N)
With chaos brewing in FarMore space stations biggest resort casino, Security Chief Meiling Trudeau will have to decide if she can trust the man she used to love—with the safety of her space station as well as her heart.
The print edition of SECRET is also available now from Amazon | B&N | Book Depository (free International Shipping)

If you want to keep up-to-date on releases and news, please sign up to my mailing list here. (There's double opt-in and I never share your emails, so you're safe with me. *grin*) I'll also be sending out the occasional free short story to subscribers just because. One on the schedule for this summer was previously published in RT Magazine about 9 years ago when they were experimenting with publishing some fiction alongside their reviews and Romance news. Since RT is closing this year (so sad!), it seems like a good time to show that story to an audience again. If you're not into joining newsletters, everything I give away on my mailing list will also eventually be released in ebook stores. Just check back here for updates.
As summer is upon us up here in the northern hemisphere, happy warm summer day reading to everyone! And for those in the southern hemisphere, happy cuddling under a blanket winter reading!