If you're new to the series, the first Fire and Tears book is BRIGHTARROW BURNING. The second book can stand alone, but you might enjoy it all more if you try the first book first.
And also as a little celebration, the third book in the Fire and Tears series, WARRIOR'S DAWN, is now up for preorder! Because it's out there already, how about I do a little cover reveal? Drum roll, please......
Here it is!
Pretty, isn't it? The cover artist is doing such a fabulous job on this series, I can't thank her enough for the beautiful art.
This third book is about Althir--Ulric from BRIGHTARROW BURNING's rotten brother. I have to tell you guys, he was soooo much fun to write! He's such an ass, but a sexy, fun ass. LOL. I can't wait for you to read his story. And so you know, his heroine, Mina, is well able for him. This book is due out July 29, 2014, so you don't have to wait too long. But around May/June, I'll post a teaser excerpt so you can get a...taste of Althir? *g*
In the meantime, I hope you'll pick up a copy of THE DARKNESS OF GLENGOWYN (seriously, Einar is super yummy!).
Happy Reading!