Their discovery could lead to war . . .
Paleontologist, Dr. Ti'ann Jones, uncovers a mystery that could alter the course of her planet's future, putting her and her people in grave danger. She's forced to call in security to protect her dig site. But the man who shows up threatens Ti'ann on a much more personal level. She's spent the last three years trying to forget Nathan Longfeather and the incredible things he did to her body, but it's apparent he's already forgotten her.
Nathan thought guarding an archaeological dig site would be an easy and welcome break from his normal high-tension contracts. But when he comes face-to-face with a woman he hasn't been able to forget for the last three years, he finds himself torn between the job and dragging Ti'ann back to his ship to remind her of those brief erotic nights they spent together. Nights she seems to have forgotten.
As the truth of Ti'ann's discovery is revealed, Nathan's job gets a lot more serious, and keeping Ti'ann and her team alive becomes his top priority. In a time when anything to do with Narava's native species, the Shifters, leads to violence, Ti'ann and Nathan face enemies from both sides of the conflict and will have to find a way to prevent a planet-wide war. If they can survive, they might just have a future…together.
You can find the book at Kindle, Smashwords (and in a few weeks directly from Nook, Sony, iBook, etc...), or go to my publisher's site, Tirgearr Publishing, for more details.
SIGHTINGS: I blogged about my hero, Nathan Longfeather, at NYC/RWA Blogging in the Big Apple on June 19th, if you want to know why I love him.

I'm also blogging at Across the Plain of Shining Books on June 23rd. I did a great interview with Pat, so stop in and say hi!
Finally, I'll be at RomCon on June 26th at their Fantasy/SciFi/Paranormal blog with an excerpt and a giveaway! So definitely stop in and comment to be entered to win a free ebook copy of The Promise of Kierna'Rhoan.
In July, I'll be one of the many authors taking part in The Romance Reviews Sizzling Summer Reads event! Prizes, games and fun for readers! Do stop in. My question for the big prizes goes up on July 9th so swing by and see if you can answer it. Also I'll be chatting in the forum all day on July 6th! Stop in and ask me anything. I love chatting about books and life and travel and...anything you like. Also, I'll be giving away a couple of books! You don't want to miss that. I'm hanging out in the forum all day so stop in any time that's convenient.
Happy Reading! And stay cool in the summer heat. Or at least read a hot book.