Can you believe the year is almost up? Where did 2010 go? Hope everyone is staying warm!
NEWS: I did an interview recently with Dianna Gunn at Fictional Worlds, an excellent blog about world building and writing in all it's fantastical forms. The interview will be posted around December 15th (NOTE: Due to technical difficulties, this interview is due to be posted on December 29th). Please stop by and comment.
Looking for some hot holiday reading? If you haven't already, check out CHRISTMAS HELP HER, a fun, sexy little story with a mysterious cat, an erotic book, and a day to remember for poor overworked Paige Rogers. The story is also available in the print anthology, WICKED WINTER. These stories will definitely keep you warm on a cold winter night.
And don't forget to check out the FANG BANGERS anthology and my short erotic paranormal romance, Mate Run. Plenty of sexy fun for those who like their erotic romances on the shape-shifting, vamp-loving wild side.
Happy Reading!