I have a few bits of exciting news to announce for this month! To my unexpected delight, my Ellora's Cave, Prism Award winning novel, SIREN SINGING, is now out in paperback! It's also on sale at the moment, so hurry over to get your copy!
Also for fellow Kindle readers, a bunch of my books are now available through Kindle including: Lady of the Herd, Bonfire Night, Christmas Help Her, The Promise of Kierna'Rhoan and Siren Singing!
And for anyone in the New York, New Jersey area, I will be talking at the one day, super exciting new conference Velocicon, on March 6th in Red Bank, NJ. Leanna Renee Hieber and I will be giving a talk in the morning about our Chaos Theory Guide to World building. In the afternoon, all the authors will be signing books. As well as some exciting authors, the conference is featuring talks by a ghost hunter, an astrophysicist, a medium and more! This is going to be a really exciting conference so be sure to register soon.
Happy Reading!