Just back from the Romantic Times convention and I had a great time! The new addition travelled with me to Orlando. That was an interesting experience. But he was such a good baby, we ended up having a really good time. He even slept through most of the Starships and Sorcery panel I was on, which was good since it was a fun panel with some really great questions by the readers/writers in attendance. I'd like to thank my fellow panel members (Jade Lee, C.L. Wilson, Catherine Asaro, Ann Aguirre, and Stacey Klemstein) as well as our captain (Linnea Sinclair) and our moderator (Leanna Renee Hieber) for making the discussion so lively and interesting.
Also, hooray for another successful year for the Intergalactic Bar & Grille. Linnea Sinclair's reader party was once again a great party thanks to all the participating authors: Stacey Klemstein, Jade Lee, Catherine Asaro, Leanna Renee Hieber, Janet Miller, Liddy Midnight, Ann Aquirre and (though she wasn't there in person, she was there in spirit) Colby Hodge. For those going to RT, this is the readers workshop to attend, if I do say so myself. And wonder of wonders, the baby slept through the whole thing, despite the noise. Talk about a spacey party! :)
See all that sleeping on baby's part made mommy's conference fun.
Before that, we also had a brilliant time at the Celebrate Romance conference in Portland, OR. This is another one I highly recommend. I gave a talk on how I came to read romance from my science background and had to admit to a room full of romance readers that--back in the day before I really knew anything about the genre, I actually believed the bodice ripper image. Obviously, I got over that idea, and I'm so glad I did!
On the upcoming news side of things, I have a print release date for THE PROMISE OF KIERNA'RHOAN. It will be released October 1, 2009. I believe the bookstores will start taking preorders by September, but I'll keep you updated on that. In the meantime, the e-book is currently available at Samhain Publishing.
For a little more on my RT experience, visit my blog.
Happy Reading!