BUT I do have a bit of NEWS to announce, so that makes for a good month too :)

And if you're looking for more CHATS: On October 28th, JC Wilder, Carolan Ivey and I will be doing a chat in the chatroom at Coffee Time Romance, starting at 9p.m (I think that's EST), so be sure to stop in for that and keep us company :)
And on November 7th, Carolan Ivey, Gia Dawn and Sela Carsen will be sponsoring an Author Day at Love, Romance & More which I'll be popping in for as well so you can come visit me there too.
REVIEWS: DESTINY'S SEDUCTION has garnered two really excellent reviews this month, just to make
my October exciting.

Coffee Time Romance gave Destiny's Seduction 5 cups! "This story is a force that pulls you along page after page. Danger and passion get your heart racing as Arlana and Oric travel on their journey together. Ms. Kelly infuses her characters with such vivid emotions, you instantly feel connected to each one...You will want to race to the finish, but please take time to savor every word Ms. Kelly has written. It is well worth it. "
And Ecataromance also gave this novel a 5 star review! "Rich in detail and hot with passion, Destiny's Seduction is sure to please Isabo Kelly's readers."

And this month, THE SAMHELLION newsletter is full of fun articles, short stories and recipes for Halloween. The October issue will be out on the 15th, so be sure to subscribe now! I've written an article on Irish Superstitions, all of which were passed along to me from friends and family in Ireland. Be sure to check it out.
Finally, my NY RWA Chapter president did a lovely interview of me for her blog for those of you interested. Scroll down the page a little to get to the interview--the date it was posted was 9/19/07.
That's the news for this month. Have a Happy Halloween and be sure to read a good book!

~ Isabo