RT is here! And I'm in the final throws of getting ready for this mammoth week out :) Looking forward to the warmer weather in Houston as it's been just a little too chilly in NYC. Especially since it's April! LOL.
For those of you who are attending RT, please stop me in the halls and say Hi. Wave a hand in my face to get my attention. I will be dazed and confused and will no doubt look it :)
I'm participating in the Intergalactic Bar & Grill readers workshop on Wednesday (4-5pm) with fellow writers: Linnea Sinclair, Rowena Cherry, Susan Grant, Colby Hodge, Barbara Karmazin, Susan Kearney, Stacey Klemstein, Deidre Knight, Janet Miller aka Cricket Starr
We'll be playing games, giving away prizes and generally just having a good time so I encourage you to swing by.
I'll also be doing a little schpeel at the Beginner Writers workshop on Tuesday afternoon, so if you're signed up for that, I'll see you there! My good friend Judi McCoy is running this workshop and has for the last few years, and she always puts together a great learning program for beginners.
Other than that, I will be at the booksigning on Saturday. I'll have copies of SUM3 to sign (yay!) so stop by and say Hi and pick up a copy of this excellent anthology.
For some fun on the joys of getting ready for RT, my friend and fellow writer, Carolan Ivey, posted a brilliant Top 13 List on her blog. Go check it out for a good laugh.
And as a bit of NEWS: MARSHALL'S GUARD is officially due for paperback release in May! Yay. Now that said, there is always the possiblity of delays because of unforseen circumstances, so I'll keep you updated on when it's officially availabe.
I'll post more when I get back from RT. Hopefully a few pictures and a couple of good stories. :)
Happy April!