Wednesday, August 30, 2006


After a full month of movies and mayhem, the final week has ended. We've had our final weekly winner--Congratulations again Amelia Richards! And now it's time to announce the winner of the Final Grand Prize. So I put all the entries into my oversized top hat (a real top hat, mind), shuffled the names around, pulled the hat out of Eddie Monster's reach when he tried to jump into the middle of it, shuffled the names some more, and pulled out a name...

And the winner is Tara Woods!!!

CONGRATULATIONS, Tara! You've won the Grand Prize. For her prize, Tara has won an extra special thong bookmark, a fancy pen in it's own handcrafted pen box (my artist went a bit overboard with the box--it's really fancy and nice ), a pack of playing cards which have the covers of many EC and CP books on them, including a card with the cover of MARSHALL'S GUARD (autographed by me), a pair of handcrafted earrings (designed by the same artist who did the pen box), chocolates, a candle, and a free e-book of her choice (or a coupon for a future e-book release)!

And for those of you interested here are the answers:

Week 1: "Hello, my name is Inigo Montoya. You killed my father. Prepare to die." --The Princess Bride
(Thanks Karen McCullough--brilliant author of Shadow of a Doubt at Cerridwen Press--for the spelling correction on Inigo's name!)
Week 2: "Let's get out of here before one of those things kills Guy."
--Galaxy Quest
Week 3: "If she'd 'ave kept on goin' down that way she'd 'ave gone straight to that castle."
Week 4: "You know, I know what you're thinking 'cause right now I'm thinking the same thing...Why the fuck didn't I take that blue pill!?"

Thanks again everyone for playing! This was fun :) We'll play again in October with another Guess that Movie Quote contest--this one with spooky/paranormal movies and prizes to suit the season

And remember there are still a few days left to enter the contest at Lachmuirghan for a free e-book copy of MARSHALL'S GUARD. And if you like more erotic tales, feel free to read my little story Hali's Rescue.

Happy Reading!